Network and Systems Consulting
Experienced with: L2/L3 networks, IPv4, WAN, LAN, LINUX (Ubuntu, Debian, FreeBSD), OPNsense, Internet, DNS, DHCP, NTP, SMTP
CISCO SG5xx and SG3xx, ARUBA Networks (HPE) MultiLayer Switches, STP, OSPF, uCPE/Whiteboxes/Network Appliances, Virtualization (kvm/Qemu, Virtualbox), Carrier Ethernet, AVPN
Cryptography/Encryption, CyberSecurity: Private Certificate Authority, GPG, 2FA/MFA, Password Vaults
OSSSEC HIDS/OSSEC+ Secure your server now, with Machine Learning
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It all started here:
Relevant Course History - AT&T
Work in progress, come back later
Local Time: Puerto Rico